Monday, December 22, 2014

I Cannot

I cannot know, I cannot answer:
I cannot question nor seek solace
In solution; I cannot I cannot I can
Not be bothered anymore by you. 

Mock trials and tribulations rise
From the ground to my ears, drown
Me in the din of the words that dribble 
Down your chins as you chew on hate. 

It is the blind man's complaint of light;
Her garment cost her his dignity so
She put on cheaper silk and paraded to everyone
That her blind husband would not clothe her. 

In my darkest hours I only remember you
As beacons of tragedy waiting to shine
And in happiest hours I avoid thoughts of you
Lest I remember the innate cruelty of man and his kind. 

Yet you sit across from me flinging hooks
Into my scarred skin digging for sympathy:
Of which I have none to left to give or take
Not in the name of love or abstinent mercy. 

Spare me I beg of you, while you stab each other
And cry out in pain at each gutting infliction
Not in your own voice but in the voice of the other,
As if damage were not yours but only the pain. 

Strike my name from your doom, I still try
To piece together a life away from the shadows
That have scattered at the feet of my childhood
Fallen from the follies of your words and bullets. 

I cannot know, I cannot answer:
I cannot question nor seek solace
In solution; I cannot I cannot I can
Not be bothered anymore by you. 

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