Sunday, August 7, 2011

2 AM.

Dead dogs sing songs for living men,
Fighting for what they believed in then,
Mundane street lights
Need to stop flickering.

Dirty, desolate, signs without meaning,
Withered under seasons fleeting,
Without direction
For those who heed them.

Hurried footsteps convey more than they mean,
Flapping to the sound of the idyllic unseen,
Yellow, all yellow,
In artificial sunlight.

Glass tumblers pressed to grateful lips,
Company shared to those without bliss,
Silent crickets
Lurk in no empty corners.

Temptation beats the itching will,
To rescue the self from bleakness still,
Keep tempting the universe
To joke with you.

Breathing through, a silent night,
Dark acquaintances to take away the fright,
Still walking though,
As if the dawn isn't far away.


  1. Whatte! *applauds*

    PS: I had fun feeding the fishes on the right. Damn, that shit is trippy.

  2. we are in-search of writers,if you are interested kindly reply me,here is my mail id vinayprapull@gmai

  3. else give me your mail id,,i will send you the project details.
